قدم الآن

Academic Teacher and Scholarship Application Form

Please Note: 

Scholarship applications for Master's degree programs: While information on the Al Qasimi Foundation’s Academic Teacher Scholarships is provided in Arabic for accessibility purposes, due to the English requirements of most Master's degree programs all application materials for Master's programs should be submitted in English. This includes the online form and applicant’s cover letter and curriculum vitae (CV). The transcripts, letters of recommendation, and budget information may be submitted in Arabic if this is the institution’s official language of business or colleague’s primary language.

Scholarship applications for short-term courses: An Arabic version of this application form is available by contacting info@alqasimifoundation.rak.ae. Supporting materials for scholarship applications to short-term courses (cover letter, CV, budget, etc.) may also be submitted in Arabic.

البريد الالكتروني
تاريخ الميلاد
بلد قضية جواز السفر
Describe previous engagement with the Foundation (e.g professional development courses)
How did you learn about the Teacher Scholarships offered by the Al Qasimi Foundation?

Number of years working in RAK's education system
المسمى الوظيفي
المسمى الوظيفي
المادة التى تقوم بتدرسيها أو الإشراف عليها
Other subjects taught or supervised
Main school phase you work in
Other Main school phase you work in

Scholarship Type
Other Scholarship type
Degree name or short course title
Name of university or institution offering the degree or course
If you have not yet applied (or been admitted) to your chosen program, please provide details on your current status and plans for gaining admission:
Anticipated date of enrollment
Anticipated date of completion
TOTAL tuition/fees or program costs

Personal Statement (cover letter)
تحميل السيرة الذاتية
محاضر رسمية الأكاديمية ( البرنامج الحالي و جميع درجات الانتهاء )
Program or short-course acceptance letter
Documentation for total degree or program costs
(خطاب توصية ( رقم 1
(خطاب توصية ( رقم 2
التقرير الرسمي أو التوفل IELTS ( للمتقدمين حيث اللغة الإنجليزية هي لغة ثانوية )

اقر ان الموقع أدناه بأن المعلومات الواردة في هذا الطلب المستندات المرفقة حقيقية وصحيحة، وتمثل عملي الخاص.
