تشمل المدونة الصوتية لمؤسسة القاسمي عدة عناوين مثل: السياسة والممارسة، سلسلة المجالس، والندوات. قم بزيارة صفحة مؤسسة القاسمي على Sound Cloud للحصول على قوائم تشغيل إضافية مرتبة حسب المواضيع ذات الأهمية: التعليم، والفنون والثقافة، الصحة، والتخطيط العمراني.
Obesity is on the rise globally and becoming a significant cause for concern in the United Arab Emirates, which has some of the highest obesity rates in the world. Unhealthy eating and lack of exercise can place children at increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and strokes in adulthood.
Scientific studies about the brain are rapidly changing our understanding about how to maintain the brain’s function as we age. It’s becoming increasingly clear that just as the key to our long-term physical health lies in the daily choices we make around diet, exercise and sleep; our choices can also impact our brain’s health as we age. It’s exciting to know that some of the same actions that can keep our brain functioning as we age can also reduce the debilitating impact of Alzheimer’s disease.
Interested in the UAE's history, urban planning, or national identity? This forum will discuss how Ras Al Khaimah's urban spaces reflect its heritage and offer insight into its ongoing development.
Arab Gulf countries have invested heavily in education, but scores in international comparative assessments suggest that, to compete with the rest of the world, Arab students must perform better in reading and math.