Book Review: Education and the Reverse Gender Divide in the Gulf States
Forum for International Education Research
April 11, 2016
This review of Education and the Reverse Gender Divide in the Gulf States: Embracing the Global, Ignoring the Local appeared in Volume 2, Issue 3 of the Forum for International Education Research.
According to the reviewer, Teresa C. Bodon of Sam Houston State University:
This book offers an in-depth study to readers interested in researching the effects of globalization within the Arabian Gulf States and the way this cultural revolution has created emerging roles for women. It encompasses a thorough treatment of a single theme relevant to gender dynamics within the educational system of the Gulf States, segmented into topics associated with nationalization of education in the Arabian Gulf region. Natasha Ridge proposes that globalization has caused reverse gender disparities in educational achievement in respect to occupational prospects and social returns. She emphasizes the paradox that, although women are advancing in education, they lack in socio-economic and political returns. She also stresses that gender stereotypes broaden the economic and social gap within the Arabian Gulf States. Additionally, within the framework of modernity and international rhetoric, she examines the negative impact that these discourses have on both males and females.
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